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Duits-Nederlands Roei-jargon
This page is in Dutch only, since it is about Dutch-German translations. Sorry.
Toen ik naar Duitsland verhuisde en begon te roeien bij de lokale Ruderverein, werd ik zonder veel vragen te stellen in een acht geplaatst met mijn favoriete type roeier: redelijk competent, maar niet te gemotiveerd.
Why a spider is the perfect lab- and officemate
Every academic lab that grows a certain size seems to collect the same few groups of people, but our lab contains a very unique personality you will not quickly encounter anywhere else.
Switching from Hugo to Dokuwiki
When I first started to make a little website for myself as a hobby, I made it in Hugo, using the Cupper theme. But I've switched to Dokwiki now, and I feel much more at home.