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en:posts:obsidian_as_an_eln [2024/01/31 12:17] – created Piet Swinkelsen:posts:obsidian_as_an_eln [2024/02/05 21:59] (current) – old revision restored (2024/02/03 17:01) Piet Swinkels
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 ====== Obsidian as a Lab Notebook ====== ====== Obsidian as a Lab Notebook ======
-In [[en:blog:why_obsidian_eln|a previous post]], I discussed why you would want to use [[https://obsidian.md/|Obsidian]] as an electronic lab notebook (ELN). Just to quickly recap: Obsidian is flexible, (pretty) open, and free to use. In this post, I will guide you through the practical steps of setting up Obsidian for effective use as an ELN. First,  I will explain broadly how everything sticks together, followed by a more in-depth exploration of the configuration details at the end of the post.+In [[en:posts:eln_obsidian|a previous post]], I discussed why you would want to use [[https://obsidian.md/|Obsidian]] as an electronic lab notebook (ELN). Just to quickly recap: Obsidian is flexible, (pretty) open, and free to use. In this post, I will guide you through the practical steps of setting up Obsidian for effective use as an ELN. First,  I will explain broadly how everything sticks together, followed by a more in-depth exploration of the configuration details at the end of the post.
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 <row> <row>
 <col> <col>
-<card image=":en:blog:pasted:20240121-171433.png" footer="Figure 1: A screenshot of a daily note. It contains links to the next and the previous day, to-do's, all experiments currently running, and a section to put random notes (the last one is not visible in this screenshot)." no-body>+<card image=":en:posts:pasted:20240121-171433.png" footer="Figure 1: A screenshot of a daily note. It contains links to the next and the previous day, to-do's, all experiments currently running, and a section to put random notes (the last one is not visible in this screenshot)." no-body>
 </card></col> </card></col>
 <col> <col>
-<card image=":en:blog:pasted:20240121-172537.png" footer="Figure 2: A screenshot of an experimental note. You can add any property you want, which will make it easier to find back the experiment later!" no-body>+<card image=":en:posts:pasted:20240121-172537.png" footer="Figure 2: A screenshot of an experimental note. You can add any property you want, which will make it easier to find back the experiment later!" no-body>
 </card></col> </card></col>
 </row> </row>
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   * ''stocks-samples'': keep track of samples and stocks.   * ''stocks-samples'': keep track of samples and stocks.
   * ''teaching'': Notes about teaching; mainly preparation and things like that.   * ''teaching'': Notes about teaching; mainly preparation and things like that.
-  * ''thinking'': random thoughts. I just dump things here unordered, and if the thought still sounds good after a few hours, I move it to [[en:blog:dokuwiki_for_scientists|my dokuwiki]].+  * ''thinking'': random thoughts. I just dump things here unordered, and if the thought still sounds good after a few hours, I move it to [[en:posts:practical_pkb|my dokuwiki]].
 ===== Templates ===== ===== Templates =====