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en:posts:eln_obsidian [2024/02/03 16:58] Piet Swinkelsen:posts:eln_obsidian [2024/02/03 17:00] (current) – [Conclusion] Piet Swinkels
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 === Obsidian === === Obsidian ===
-My experience with Obisidian on the other had, was great almost immediately. It maximizes customization and freedom; all text is written in simple markdown (so just text, no weird file formats). You can keep things simple and minimal  and just write notes, or you can get Obsidian to do complicated things, like define templates, create rules, make drawings, and even more by installing one of the //many// extensions. The fact that you can start simple makes things easy to start of, and you can always get things more complicated later. You can find how I made this work in detail in [[en:posts:obsidian_as_a_labjournal|this other post]].+My experience with Obisidian on the other had, was great almost immediately. It maximizes customization and freedom; all text is written in simple markdown (so just text, no weird file formats). You can keep things simple and minimal  and just write notes, or you can get Obsidian to do complicated things, like define templates, create rules, make drawings, and even more by installing one of the //many// extensions. The fact that you can start simple makes things easy to start of, and you can always get things more complicated later. You can find how I made this work in detail in [[en:posts:obsidian_as_an_eln|this other post]].
-The obsidian software works well and fast (unless you install a million additional add-ins I guess). You can run it on Windows, Mac Linux, and there are mobile apps as well. The only thing you need to figure out yourself is how to sync and backup your Obsidian notes. There is a payed syncing and backup service offered by Obsidian themselves (10 euro per month, with discount for academia). But you can also do this yourself with a bit of effort using for instance Dropbox or Syncthing, check my [[en:posts:obsidian_as_a_labjournal|other post]]. +The obsidian software works well and fast (unless you install a million additional add-ins I guess). You can run it on Windows, Mac Linux, and there are mobile apps as well. The only thing you need to figure out yourself is how to sync and backup your Obsidian notes. There is a payed syncing and backup service offered by Obsidian themselves (10 euro per month, with discount for academia). But you can also do this yourself with a bit of effort using for instance Dropbox or Syncthing, check my [[en:posts:obsidian_as_an_eln|other post]]. 
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 ===== Conclusion ===== ===== Conclusion =====
-So, I encourage you to try an ELN for yourself, if you are still working with pen and paper. And if you are interested on how I use Obsidian to keep my lab notebook, [[en:posts:obsidian_as_a_labjournal|you can read about that here]].+So, I encourage you to try an ELN for yourself, if you are still working with pen and paper. And if you are interested on how I use Obsidian to keep my lab notebook, [[en:posts:obsidian_as_an_eln|you can read about that here]].
 ====== Some Further Reading ====== ====== Some Further Reading ======