====== Curriculum Vitae / Resume ====== ===== Main Research Interests ===== * Self-assembly * Bio-inspiration * Soft Matter ===== Current position ===== I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the [[https://www.walther-group.com/|lab of Andreas Walther]]. Current research topics can be [[:en:research:start|found here]]. ===== Research background ===== ==== 2017-2022: PhD, Soft Matter Physics; University of Amsterdam ==== > Thesis Title: Assembly of Patchy Particles into Colloidal Superstructures > > Performed at the Institute of Physics, in the [[https://iop.uva.nl/wzi/wzi.html|Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute]], under the supervision of [[https://peterschall.de|Prof. Peter Schall]]. > > You can [[:en:research:phdthesis:start|read my PhD thesis online here]], or [[https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/5fd09f9c-a3b5-4c98-91af-b82cc6fe78a3|download the official pdf here]]. ==== 2015-2017: MSc, Molecular Life Sciences; University of Wageningen ==== > Specialization: Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter > > __Thesis__: Mapping Coacervation Behaviour of Temperature Responsive Polyelectrolytes > > Supervised by Dr. Ilse van Hees and Prof. Marleen Kamperman at the [[https://www.wur.nl/en/research-results/chair-groups/agrotechnology-and-food-sciences/biomolecular-sciences/physical-chemistry-and-soft-matter.htm|Laboratory for Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter (Wageningen University)]]. You can find a short [[:en:research:msc|summary here]]. > __Internship__: Self-coacervation of Squid Beak Proteins > > Performed at the [[https://personal.ntu.edu.sg/ali.miserez/|Biological and Biomimetic Material Laboratory]] at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, supervised by Prof. Ali Miserez. You can find a short [[:en:research:internship|summary here]]. ==== 2012-2015: BSc, Molecular Life Sciences; University of Wageningen ==== > __Thesis__: Modelling Micropatterned Adhesives: Effects of Stochasticity and Pillar Communication > > Supervised by Dr. Maarten van Heek, Prof. Joris Sprakel and Prof. Jasper van der Gucht at the Laboratory for Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter. You can find a short [[:en:research:bsc|summary here]]. ===== Skills ===== ==== Experimental Skills ==== * Microscopy: * Brightfield Microscopy (including home-build setups) * Confocal Microscopy * Scanning Electron Micropscopy * Chemical labwork: * Synthesis of polymers (RAFT, free radical) * Synthesis of colloids * General labwork * Data analysis (mostly Python): * Image analysis, like particle tracking. * General data handling * Static and Dynamic Light Scattering * Spectroscopy, like (2D-)NMR * Additive manufacturing / 3D-printing * SLA * PLA * CNC * Home built and designed systems * Microfluidics * Controlling devices using self-written scripts ==== Teaching Experience ==== * Supervision of BSc and MSc thesis projects * Teaching //Thermal Physics//, a 2nd year course for BSc students in Physics (Amsterdam). * Supervise working classes * Managing digital content (Canvas) * Grading and supervision of exams and homework * Supervising //Marcomolecular Chemistry// lab course for BSc & MSc students (Mainz) * Supervising lab class for small groups of students * Grading reports ==== Computer Skills ==== * Extensive experience in controlling equipment programmatically using //Python//. * Data analysis and visualization, preferably //Python//, but in a pinch also //MATLAB//, //Origin// or even //MS Excel// / //%%LibreOffice%% Calc// * Everyday use of OS, comfortable using terminal in both //Linux// and //Windows//. * 3D visualization using //Blender//, especially using Python scripting. * Generating files for 3D printing or CNC milling of stuff using //%%FreeCAD, OpenSCAD%%, VCarve and Blender// * Comfortable writing reports, documents, thesis, etc.. in //Latex, Markdown, LibreOffice Writer & MS Word// * General computer-y stuff like using //Docker// & //git//. ===== Languages ===== * //Dutch// - Mother tongue * //English// - Fluent on academic level * //German// - Somewhere between B1 and B2, depending on my mood ===== Interests & hobbies ===== Also see [[:en:stuff:start|here]] * //Self-Hosting// & fiddling with computers (as you can see from the existence this page) * Reading * Hiking * Rowing {{page>[:en:research:publications]&[noheader,nofooter,firstseconly, readmore ]}}